Why Stamerk

Stability Storage Services

We meet all your storage conditions for stability studies and sample management at your facility.

Have you considered outsourcing your stability storage and sample management needs that you cannot meet for various reasons at your facility?

By offering external services for stability storage, we provide significant benefits to your company; the most important of these is the elimination of significant capital and human resource costs. We achieve this by offering specialized process management for stability studies and sample storage. We understand the crucial process of stability storage requirements for all our customers. You can be assured that your products will be stored in accordance with your specifications.

Why should you use STAMERK storage services?

At STAMERK, we work closely with our customers and strive to meet all their needs. We enable faster market delivery of drugs. We provide advantages to our customers by offering an alternative solution to their stability study and sample storage methods:

Cost: Reduces your capital investment for stability storage areas and infrastructure, turning capital expenditures into operational expenses. Contributes to your personnel, maintenance, service, and security costs without unexpected facility costs.

Maximum Space: Contributes to the valuable space and resource utilization in your own factory for your core operations.

Flexible Capacity: Allows you to quickly and reliably scale up or down the scale of your stability storage. Provides access to the required storage amount according to your needs at any time.

Risk Management: Offers primary or emergency storage solutions.

Transfer and Transportation: Meets customer transportation needs for receiving and delivering samples. Provides suitable solutions to customers if specific conditions are requested for shipments.

We offer our stability storage facility, the first and only one in Turkey, for your use. The purpose-built storage facility by STAMERK is designed to provide you with reliable storage services.